Thursday, October 13, 2011

pure love.

Last night at 6:30pm our family received a very special gift, a gift so precious that we will love and cherish forever…a beautiful 4-month-old baby boy.  Just a short few weeks ago my life was changed when I received an email from a very special girl, his mom. She wanted the world for her son, and felt she could not give him everything...Until last night when she gave him a mother, a father, and a big sister. She blessed my life in more ways that one last night. I have never witnessed such love and selflessness. My heart is FULL; it is aching for a sweet mother who left last night without her baby boy in her arms, all because of LOVE. I will never comprehend the strength and courage that I witnessed last night but feel extremely blessed to have witnessed such a miracle. The tears continue to flow with a culmination of emotions but mostly filled with unconditional love for our new baby boy and our sweet birth mom.

To our sweet Juli…we love you more than words can express. I know your heart is aching right now and we are praying for you and will continue to pray for you to have comfort and peace. I have been up all night thinking about you and the amazing person that you are. Thank you for blessing our lives with such an amazing gift that we will love forever. Last night was very emotional for all of us and we feel blessed to have witnessed such pure love.  Your sweet baby boy will know you and love you forever. Just remember last night wasn’t goodbye it was just the beginning of a new chapter for all of us and you are still apart of his story. Thank you for choosing us to be your son’s parents, we will forever be grateful.

To our sweet son…you are an answer to our prayers. We have spent our lives preparing to be your parents and promise to love and take care of you the very best we can. You are such a special little boy, so special that you were sent by your Heavenly Father to bless two mommies. Your little spirit is so strong. Your birth mom loves you and was the best mommy she could be. She wrote you a book that you will cherish forever. We love you SO much and feel complete now that you are in our family... xoxo 


The Alvords said...

Oh my goodness, I am completely overjoyed! What an amazing story. I can't imagine what last night must have been for you guys and for his birth mom. Your son is so lucky to have you guys as his parents, and Roma as his sister. He is beautiful! I am so excited for your growing family!

Jordan said...

Oh Whit! I'm so happy for you! Boys are such a treat and Roma will be a great big sister!

Seriously- if you need any boy clothes or anything, please let me know as I've got tons!

Val and Shauna Steed said...

Congratulations to a very special family. What a tender story. We're sending love and hugs your way.

Galbfam said...

Congratulations!! I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face. What a blessing. I'm so happy for you and your family.

The Johnson Family said...

Whitney! This is such wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your family. Its true, this little boy was sent to earth with two mommies. I know you and your family will be such an incredible blessing for him, as he will, and is for you. Its amazing the miracles and blessings the Lord grants us. Congratulations!

Hillary Garner said...

Oh my gosh Whitney! Congratulations! You are an amazing mother and I am so happy for your cute little family!

Maura said...

Congratulations guys! What an amazing blessing. So cool to see how the Hand of the Lord is working.

Rickie said...

Whitney, he is adorable and precious. I want to just cry for the heartbreaking yet unselfish decision his birth mother made. You are such a great mom, I'm sure it brings her peace just knowing you are taking care of him. Congratulations. Sooo happy for you and your beautiful family!

Cheerfully Charmed said...

Wow! Such an amazing story. Isn't it just crazy how life seems to always work out? I love it, and I'm truly so happy for you and your cute family! Best of luck and I can't wait for another update!

Jacqui said...

Hi...we don't know each other but I know Jules. She is in my ward and was one of my young women when I served there. I have had the true privilege of babysitting Anthony. He is such a sweet child and I am so happy for your family. He and Jules have constantly been in my prayers and now your sweet family is as well. Congratulations..I wish and pray for the best for all of you...

Darbee said...

I just left you a message, but needed you to know how happy I am for you! What an amazing story and blessing! Please let me know if you need anything! Thinking and praying for your family, and that sweet birth mother, too! xoxoxo

Mandy said...

Unbelievable.. I am in awe how Heavenly Father reaches right down and hands you specifically the things that are meant to be. Congratulations Whitney- he is adorable and fits right into your family. Let's get together when life slows down for you. I can't wait to meet him.

Nicole *Ü* said...

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!! Can't wait to meet him!!!!!!!!

Britney said...

Oh my gosh!!!!! This so so exciting Whit! What an amazing story! I am so happy for you and your sweet family of 4 now!

I don't know Phil, and we haven't seen each other in ages...but I admire and love you guys. You two are such amazing parents and this sweet new baby boy is so blessed to be with you.


Renee said...

Wow, what an amazing journey for all of you. He is one special boy and his special birth mom is my hero.

Bella said...

Hi my name is Isabella Cauley i'm Anthony's cousin and i'm so glad to see that he will get the love he deserves. Take care of him please.

Anonymous said...

My name is ssgt jacqueline plumhoff I am an aunt to baby Anthony and Juls sister. I never got to meet him because I am stationed in Japan with the USMC. Please take care of him and love him. He deserves it.

Juli Cauley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Juliana C. said...

Love you all! I am so glad about the open relationship we have! Take good of Anthony!

Anonymous said...

Whit! Congrats!!!! I am so happy for your family! I feel overjoyed for you and can't stop these tears. I know you will be the best mom EVER. Love you

Jarom, Kristen, Jerry, and Ruby said...

This is so amazing! Congratulations on your new addition!

Rob, Kara, Olivia & Bridger Holland said...

Once again you have me in tears. We are so excited to have a new addition to our family. Olivia and Bridger can't wait to meet their new cousin! Hopefully it won't be too long til we all meet.

Brunson Family said...

I am so excited for you guys. I know that I haven't seen you in such a long time, but I have so many memories with you in them. You have such an amazing spirit and big heart.
Those two adorable kiddies are so blessed to have such a great mommy.

Congratulations again!!

Love always

Sarah said...

Congtratulations Phil and Whitney! What a lucky little boy! We are thrilled for your family!!!!

Ashley said...

Amazing! Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts, and congrats!

Cheerfully Charmed said...

Such an amazing blessing and amazing story! Both of your little ones are so lucky to have you two as parents! So happy and excited for you guys!!!

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