Thursday, March 10, 2011

St. George Weekend.

A couple of weeks ago we headed to 'not so sunny' St. George for the Parade of Homes and some fun with our little family! Even the weather was the pits we had a great time being together and enjoying some very much needed relaxation.  Our little Roma is getting so big and is such a littler performer...she entertains us ALL DAY LONG...and we LOVE every single minute of it.  

We Stayed at the Inn at Entrada and WOW this place is gorgeous! Not only was the place amazing but it is right in the red rock canyon and every view is a sight to see!  Roma especially loved sitting by the fire watching movies, taking 'bubbles' in a HUGE jetted tub (however, the was not impressed by the jets AT ALL).

This is Roma's new 'surprise face'.  All I have to say is 'Roma let me see your surprise face' and she pulls this oh so funny expression.  Did I mention I am obsessed with this little face!

Daddy and Roma swimming!  We didn't bring any gear to swim but we weren't about to miss out on this amazing pool and a trip to Target cleared that up!

This is the 'Roma let me see your smiles' expression!!

Breakfast at 25th and Main!

Can't wait to head back to 'Sunny St. George' and enjoy some more relaxation!


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